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PRF Treatment Instructions
Pre-Treatment Instructions:
Avoid sun exposure (SPF 50) for one month
No microneedling, chemical peels, and laser treatments within 3 weeks
Schedule two weeks prior to special events
Discontinue Vitamin C, Retinol and Salicylic Acid for one week prior
No Alcohol Intake for 24 hours prior
Increase H2O Intake 24 hours prior
Avoid Ibuprofen or other medications that can thin the blood (if approved by your MD)
Eat a snack prior to appointment
Deep cleanse treatment area prior to appointment
Notify Injector of medications that interfere with clotting prior to treatment
You are not a candidate If pregnant/breastfeeding or If you take Accutane or blood thinning medications
Post-Treatment Instructions:
Increase H2O Intake
No makeup for 24 hours, Keep treated area clean and hydrated (gentle cleanser and moisturizer)
Redness/Itchiness is normal for up to 72 hours
DO NOT pick at skin (permanent scarring)
Discontinue Retinol, Vitamin C and Salicylic Acid until peeling stops
Avoid sun and heat exposure for 3-4 weeks after treatment (SPF 50 + hat)
No peels, microneedling, dermaplaning or laser treatments within one month